Baby Einstein - Baby Wordsworth - First Words - Around the House [DVD]
> 24 hourok
Christina A. Moeller
> 24 hourThis one doesnt seem to hold her attention for very long. I should check the age, maybe she is too young at 18 months. I also wish she would spare us the marketing in the begining of the video that you cant fast forward. My baby dont need to see that crap.
> 24 hourIf youre going to buy a childrens video, by all means buy this video for your two year old and older child. I highly recommend it compared to other kids videos because it is engaging, fun, educational and not cartoon animated or fast-paced. Having said that, I have a beef with the title Baby Einstein and marketing this to BABIES. It seems to imply that watching these videos is good for babies, which they are NOT! These videos may be great for older kids, but definitely NOT for babies brains! After some research I found out that: 1) brain wave activity in babies is slower when watching television than when sleeping. 2) for every hour of television a baby watches a day, their chances of acquiring an attention deficit disorder increases by 10%, 3) for every hour of television viewed daily at 4 yrs old, there is a significant odds increase for being a bully later on, and 4)consistent, heavy television viewing (more than 2 hrs daily) throughout early childhood can cause behavior, sleep and attention problems. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no television for children under 2, and no more than two hours of media (tv, videos, video games & computers) daily after age 2! I think its important for parents and caregivers to be aware of this so they can make better informed choices. I hope it encourages some people to limit television usage for babies and look for other outlets when possible. For those looking to calm babies and build better brains, I recommend baby carriers because studies show that infants who are carried an extra 3 hours per day cry 40% less, and this effect is lasting over time! Frequently held babies pick up verbal skills faster and develop better core muscle strength and balance. Also, learning to communicate in sign language can reduce frustration and tantrums, accelerate language development and promote parent-child bonding in infants and toddlers.
> 24 hourMy two-year-old daughter loves this movie. She watches it to the point where I cant stand it. Its a well thought out dvd.
Patricia J. Gollotti
> 24 hourYou just cant go wrong with baby einstein, what a wonderful video, i loved it so much i purchased this one for a friend of mine, teaches sign language and things around the house, beautiful video, my daughter just loves it!
Jada DLee
> 24 hourThis video is so great on so many different levels. First off, the words my son has learned. When we first got the dvd a few months ago, I would take him for a ride in his wagon around the neighborhood, & he was naming all the trees, flowers, dogs, etc. Then one day, I noticed he was signing all the words he was saying! I was so proud of my lil man! Now at 16 months old, he knows almost all the words & signs for everything in the video. So, give it a shot, its worth it! And on a personal note, we just bought our first home...after seeing the beginning of the dvd many times, he was able to point at our house as we walked up to it and say Home! My heart just melted!!!!
Dawn C. Jung
> 24 hourThis is a must son who is 11 months loves this video. Even though he is too young for the words he is not too young for sign language. Im able to make dinner again with the help of this video !
Teresa K. Mcneese
> 24 hourBravo Baby Einstein... this video is a hit. Not only is it fun to watch, but it is educational too. We started teaching our son basic sign language from day #1. We have a great book, but it is much easier when you actually see someone demonstrating the sign. My 18 month old son loves to watch this video and is proud to shout out what he is seeing. I was surprised when I heard him shout, Cup! and I turned the corner to see cups on the TV. He has learned several new words from the video and even learned the sign for book. Even if a child doesnt use sign language to communicate on a daily basis, I believe they could benifit from learning the names of household items. This certainly is the best Baby Einstein video that we own. Our sons verbal skills are improving and I suspect that someday soon he will be signing right along with the words he is speaking.
Doctor Quartz
> 24 hourThe music, graphics and puppetry in this DVD are superb. The flaw in this DVD is that it doesnt give the non-hearing impared child what it needs. Children need to see a close-up view of a face and lips, mouthing new words. Children who cant yet talk fluidly shouldnt be losing half the screen to signing. Its too confusing. I have a pair of two year olds that clearly get distracted by the hand movements. One major obstacle that most kids face when learning a language is to learn the correct pronunciation of words. They need to see EXACTLY what the tongue and lips are doing to make a sound. The relative size of the mouth of the signer on the screen in this DVD is too small. The signing version should be a special feature. Or make a non-signing version as the special feature where my babies can see a close up of a face mouthing words. Once they can correcly pronounce the words, then they can watch the signing and learn it. But give me a choice here.
Book Imp
> 24 hourI got this for my son when he was 2 1/2. He was still refusing to talk at times or use many words so I thought maybe this would help encourage him to learn in a fun way. He loved watching this video and would repeat the words and the sign language. His vocabulary grew and he was telling me the names of everything. He is now 3 1/2 and still loves to watch it. We really use the grow with me mode and I watch it with him to help make longer sentences out of the words and to help him learn to read. My mother is a Elementary Special Education teacher and she really recommends this video and other Baby Einsteins videos to her students parents as a way to increase vocabulary learning and movement.